
New pipe machine is produced by STANEXIM

2015-04-24 11:59 2015
A new machine for pipefittings has been successfully tested at the production site of STANEXIM. Themachine became a part of the integrated engineering solution of the company ina joint project of the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant (ChTPZ) and RUSNANO. Thisinnovative project provides for the construction of an enterprise for theproduction of pipeline fittings using nanostructured materials.
A new machine has a single horizontal power unit and a rotary table with adevice for installing the parts to be machined. This solution allows theprocessing of connecting branches with a different angle of rotation.


  • pipe teeswith nominal width of the main from 500 to 1400 mm and nominal width of thebranch line from 150 to 1400 mm;
  • taps with30, 45 and 60 degree bend angles and nominal width from 700 to 1400 mm;
  • taps with90 degree bend angle and nominal width from 700 to 1400 mm;
  • coils withnominal width from 219 to 1400 mm;
  • pipereducers with nominal width from 400 to 1400 mm.

The new machine is equipped with a CNC system and has a number of designfeatures that provide high performance, accuracy, processing quality, andoperator convenience. The machine can be used both as part of an industrialcomplex, and as a separate equipment.

Further plans of STANEXIM provide for the manufacture of gas-oxygen cuttingfor trimming the technological allowance for pipeline fittings.