We received a certificate of our own production for a series of CNC profile grinding machines SMG150SF3-ХХ. Machines series SMG150SF3-XX are designed for processing profile grooves on parts: “Round splined broach”, “Flat profile broach”, “Gearwheel cutter”. The machine can grind flat and profiled surfaces, splines with involute and trapezoidal profiles, process external shaped surfaces of running-up gears, round and flat broaches along the front and rear surfaces. The machines operate under the NUMANS CNC system control.
The certificate was issued by the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the basis of an examination report. In accordance with it, the technological process of manufacturing machine tools consists of the following operations:
Machine design: development of design and technological documentation
Mechanical processing of machine parts
Assembly of machine components
Final assembly of the machine
Assembly and installation of lubrication, coolant and cooling systems
Assembly and installation of the electrical cabinet
Assembling and installing the control panel
External electrical installation
Commissioning works
Software download: installation, configuration and parameterization
Check and set the machine for accuracy standards
Testing the machine at idle and on load
Previously, we received certificates of our own production for:
sharpening machines
gear grinding machines
boring machines
In 2021, we received certificates of our own production for: