
Profile grinding machine SMG150SF3 for tool production

Acceptance tests of the SMG150SF3 profile grinding machine at the Customer which will be involved in tool production have been completed. The customer preferred equipment produced by ITC STANEXIM to imported analogues.
When choosing a supplier the following points were important for theCustomer:
  • Equipment provides all technical processing parameters
  • Russian-language interface
  • Documentation in Russian
  • Instructing specialists
  • Equipment support throughout the entire life cycle
The SMG150SF3 machine meets all the Customer’s requirements in full.
The SMG150SF3 machine is designed for the production and resharpening of flat broaches. The profiles applied to the circle demand high accuracy requirement because this equipment is used for finishing profiling of the teeth of flat broaches, as well as sharpening (resharpening) of teeth along front surface.
Pattern application on grinding wheel is carried out according to a control program using a precision diamond roller in the process of forming the pattern. Pattern parameters are set in the software via DXF file transfer.
While commissioning the test part was processed and the following parameters were achieved:
Currently, two machines of this model are setting up at our production site.
You can see the process and ask specialists all the questions. Contact us +375 17 388 60 50,
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